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By Zhang Xiao Hong
The Chinese Birth Calendar is such an amazing discovery that it is still used widely across the world as a way to predict the sex of your expected baby. Although there are many ways to predict the sex of your child with rapidly increasing knowledge in the field of science, such as the use of modern ultrasound systems, the Chinese Birth Chart has been said to be as accurate as 99%. Given that the age of the Chinese Birth Calendar is truly unknown, it is still an accurate tool in determining the sex of your expected child
The calendar, which is also called the Chinese Baby Chart, was discovered in an ancient tomb near the capital Chinese city of Beijing well over 700 years ago. The only place that you may view the original chart now is the Institute of Science, which is also located in Beijing China.
While the chart can be very confusing and overwhelming when you first look at it, the calendar is very easy to decipher once you take a little time and read the directions that usually come with it. The first step in determining the sex of your expected baby based on the Chinese Birth Calendar is to figure out what month your baby was conceived in. It is a simple step but often people can forget very easily exactly when. If in doubt, the best way to figure this out is to just take the due date or the birth date of your child and go back nine months. For normal, full term babies, this is the easiest way to do it.
After you determine the month that your baby was conceived in, you need to figure out how old the mother will be at the birth of the baby. Of course, the only way to estimate this is to go off of the doctors due date that was given. Once that is figured out, you go down the chart and where the two vertical and horizontal points meet is where it will tell you the sex of your child, We have found it more user friendly to have the squares of the chart colored pink for girls and blue for boys along with the initials F for female and M for male, again this is sometimes G for girl and M for boy .
This is truly an amazing and fascinating tool and something that has been used for centuries upon centuries with an eerie amount of accuracy. Some professionals will even tell you that it can be more accurate then ultrasounds, although we still recommend using science over an ancient prediction gender chart. Along with this baby gender calendar and your ultrasound, you should be able to get a good idea of what the sex of your child should be. However, if you were like me, the ultrasound and the Chinese Baby Chart conflicted. The funny thing about my situation is that the baby chart was correct, and the ultrasound was wrong. So, which one is really better?
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Chinese Birth CalendarChinese Birth ChartChinese Baby Chart
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