The Truth About Vinyl In The Construction Industry

The Truth About Vinyl in the Construction industry



The synthetic man-made material known as vinyl is a type of plastic which is made from ethylene and chlorine. The ethylene content in vinyl is partly responsible for its name. Vinyl takes its name from the French word ‘vinum’, which in English means wine. Chemists named the plastic material after the French word for wine because ethylene is a chemical that has extremely similar characteristics and odor as alcohol.


The combination of ethylene and chlorine turns the mixture into a hard resin very similar to plastic. Both vinyl and plastic are resistant to moisture and humidity, although vinyl is considerably more durable and less expensive to produce. Vinyl can also be easily recycled, which in today’s more environmentally conscious society is a very important and highly sought after characteristic. The most common applications of vinyl are in the construction industry. Vinyl is a common material used for flooring and siding. It is a common misconception for people to think that vinyl is only used to make floors and siding. Vinyl was often used to make old music turntable records, as well as an alternative for leather. It is vinyl’s ability to combine with various chemical additives that makes it a very flexible raw material in the manufacturing industry. In the United States, cities all across the country make use of vinyl primarily in home construction and home improvement. In Boston MA, vinyl is one of the most popular materials used in construction not only for its low cost but also for its recyclability. Boston doors

used for different purposes, such as patio doors and sliding panel doors, are often made with vinyl.

Many of the Boston doors

available in the home repair and home improvement market today provide modern characteristics. Aside from being relatively inexpensive, doors made with vinyl also provide energy efficient solutions to household issues such as lighting and heating.

Home owners in Boston need not go far whenever they need professional vinyl door and siding services. A quick search on the Internet using specific search phrases such as ‘Boston doors vinyl siding MA

‘ can yield plenty of promising results. Home owners would then need to make a few phone calls to pick out the contractor that they will choose to hire.

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